Monday, June 3, 2019

Review of The Enchanted April By Elizabeth von Arnim

-          Title of Book               : The Enchanted April
-          Author                         : Elizabeth von Arnim
-          Publisher                     : Dian Rakyat
-          Year of Published       : 2003
-          Place of Published      : Jakarta
-          Pages                           : 80 pages
-          Size                             : 11,6 cm x 18,6 cm
-          Detail                          : Novel

Interpretative Recount
          It was a cold afternoon in February, Mrs. Wilkins was unhappy. She is a young woman who is married. And she looked at newspaper advertisements about an Italian villa for rent the following April. She was excited and immediately asked Mrs. Arbuthnot to rent the villa together in hopes of reawakening their joy in life. They had the same problem, which is they both struggled to make the best of their unhappy marriages. Mrs. Arbuthnot agreed and took the responsibility for making arrangements with Mr. Briggs, the villa’s owner. They also invited the aristocratic Lady Caroline and the imperious Mrs. Fisher to joined them.
            They were enjoying their holiday in Italy. The garden in San Salvatore was beautiful, the sun was shining and the sea was flat and calm. In San Salvatore, they shared each other about their life and love. Mrs. Fisher felt lonely without a husband. Mrs. Arbuthnot and Mrs. Wlikins unhappy because they had too little love. Their husband was so busy. But, Lady Caroline was having a headache with too much love from many young men who wanted to marry her. So, she left London to avoid them.
            Over the course of their vacation, each of the women experienced awakenings of feeling and insight. Mrs. Wilkins found so much joy and freedom, so she decided to share it with her husband. Mr. Wilkins felt grateful for the opportunity he got. Lady Caroline realized that much of her life isn’t interesting. She also realized that she loved Thomas Briggs. Mrs. Fisher felt stirrings of a new and youthful desire to engage in the world and in life, while Mrs. Arbuthnot decided to ease her guilt by following the example of Mrs. Wilkins and inviting her husband to join her.
            On the first of May, everyone left San Salvatore. They all changed and they were completely happy. All four women renewed in life, love, and spirit.

Overall, this book has a very good story. The writing is great. The basic idea of the plot is vaguely interesting. We like the way the writer deliver the story, and it is easy to get into the story. The character portraits of the four leading ladies are a lot of fun. The word pictures of the settings, from the dreary London women’s club to glorious San Salvatore is also very interesting. It plays a significant role in the story. And we think the writer is successfully telling the moral story to the reader.
The downside is the topic may not be interesting for some people. If you like books that are an older style of writing, then this book is for you.
The moral story from this novel is we must have a love for life so we can live happily and be grateful for all the things that we already have. Also, if you are feeling stuck, dull, bored with your life, it means that you need a break from your daily routine to renew yourself. 

If you ask,  is it a great book? We think yes. It’s one of the best books we have ever read. We would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a classic story and an older style of writing. It may not suitable for all teenagers, but it is very suitable for an adult.

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