Monday, June 3, 2019

Social Media's Role in Finding the Missing

One of the advantages of social media is to find the missing people. If a person goes missing, the command makes an initial notification on social media. They choose social media because it is the easiest way to find it. Instead of making posters by printing out the picture of the missing person which is not effective, it is better to inform the lost by social media.
Aside from supporting the government’s program regarding go green, social media has large connectivity that can reach a lot of people in the world effectively and efficiently. Social media uses the internet to spread information. People can access the information by searching on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Path. As that information get retweeted by the police and public, the information spreads quickly. The police and public will start looking for that missing person.
We found that video elements in the digital media gather more viewership, which we believe will help in finding more missing people. After a lot of people saw or heard any news in social media about missing person, usually they will go to the police to inform everything they know about that missing person. And then the police will check and investigate whatever information they got. The police will call the missing person’s family members. And finally, the family can easily find their missing family member.
So, besides all of the bad things about social media, there are often benefits that follow from social media use. If social media used right, then it will give good impacts for you. So, it is more about how we use it. Don’t forget to use it wisely and use it for good things.

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